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4 Main Street Canaan, CT 06018
Tel.: 860.824.7078

****Bulletins are now available by clicking on the Weekly Bulletin link above****
Martin of Tours lived in the fourth century, at that great turning point in history when Christianity became legal in the Roman Empire. Inspired by the Good News of Jesus Christ, he left a successful military career to become a monk and later a bishop who traveled widely, evangelizing the countryside and creating that new and particular sort of community life in the villages of central France that now is called a “parish”. (The term “chapel” is derived from the place where pilgrims venerated Martin’s “cape” or cloak.) He was a servant of all the people and a very humble man who responded creatively to the needs of his times and opened up vast perspectives and opportunities for ordinary, everyday life, whose impact continues to this day. (November 11 is his feast day – the very day World War I was ended, not co-incidentally.)
He is the perfect patron for us. For we the people of the villages and countryside of the Northwest Corner of Connecticut, from the Church of St. Mary in Lakeville, St Joseph's in Canaan, and Immaculate Conception Church in Norfolk, are called together in these days to create a new form of catholic community life in our times. How exciting! Like Martin, we live in what Pope Francis has called the “change of an age”, which invites us to discover and create new ways of communicating and sharing in the Joy of the Gospel, the Good News of Jesus Christ for all people and all times and places.
So let us pray and ask his guidance that we may be united and inspired as a people of faith, hope and love in this time, after the example of our patron, St. Martin of Tours. Pray for us!
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For a schedule of upcoming services or other upcoming church events, please check our weekly bulletin